

Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe’iyewigamig is more than a Clinic. This is your place of healing.

Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe’iyewigamig offers traditional and contemporary health care encompassing mind, body, heart, and spirit.


Our purpose is to foster healthy Indigenous people, families and communities through traditional and contemporary health care encompassing mind, body, heart, and spirit.


Chi oji-mino bimaadiziwaat anishinaabeg. Miinawaa anishinaabe miinigowiziwin da-biminizhe’igaade ge’izhi’bimi’ind anishinaabe. Maano gaye dawiichi’aa anishinaabe giishpin amichigooshi naanandaweyen wii odone’aang. Gakinagego gaa ishi miinigowizid anishinaabe dadishiikaade jiminobimaadiziwaat anishinaabeg.

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Model of Care

Our model is first and foremost about relationship. We are committed to working with people to reach their health and wellness goals.

Entry to the circle of care can occur from any point. Providers may have areas of focus or specialty, but each sees that as part of a whole that must be considered as specific issues are addressed.

This model attaches people to a team of providers rather than an individual doctor or nurse practitioner. People have a principal or ‘most responsible’ provider but there is no my client or your client – only our team.

Our cultural, emotional wellness, and health promotion staff are essential members of the team alongside physicians, nurse practitioners, and other clinicians – ensuring that individuals and families receive wholistic and comprehensive care.

wnhac Wheel
  • Guided by and embodying core values in all aspects of life.
  • Sharing and celebrating the abundance of minobimaadiziwin to sustain next seven generations.
  • Sense of self and relationship to family, community, nation and environment.
  • Knowledge supports positive behaviour/change.
  • Successful mastery of new information/knowledge depends on a healthy sense of belonging.
  • Action is necessary to put mastered knowledge into practice.

Team members have flexible roles. With shared access to electronic records, they can cross-cover for colleagues as needed. When a client’s ‘principal providers’ are not available, others can seamlessly fill in. This also prevents people from being ‘orphaned’ should their principal provider leave. People continue to be attached to their teams.

Unique to the WNHAC model of care are nurse care coordinators. In addition to coordinating individual care they are point people for communication and advocacy within the team. All team members are available resources, coordinated through this role.

Regular team meetings involving all members are conducted in a case management style. Priority cases are discussed within this circle of care, thereby allowing team members to become aware of issues and to offer their unique resources and suggestions.

Most significantly, the model offers a culturally safe environment that respects traditional values, and embraces a person’s unique needs in the context of their family and community.



Calendar of Events

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      Book your appointment online today.

      Please note: If you’re a new client, you cannot book an online appointment yet. Please contact the clinic by phone at 1-888-MYWNHAC.