The Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC) is an Indigenous-governed, culture-based, and informed organization. Its key mandate is to support the advancement and evolution of Indigenous primary health care services throughout Ontario. It works with 20 Indigenous primary health care organizations (IPHCOs) across Ontario including Aboriginal Health Access Centres (AHACs), Indigenous Interprofessional Primary Care Teams (IPCTs), Indigenous Community Health Centres (ICHCs), and Indigenous Family Health Teams (IFHTs) to address the physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental wellbeing of First Nations, Inuit, and MĂ©tis (FNIM) peoples and communities being served.
IPHCC promotes high quality care provision through the Model of Wholistic Health and Wellbeing. The model is rooted in a population needs based approach to health care planning and delivery for the Indigenous population. The model incorporates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual elements of wellbeing and it is the belief that all elements must operate in harmony.
There is a belief that culture is treatment and culture is healing and our model of care solidly implants a strong self-identity so that self-determination is fostered, and positive health outcomes are advanced. This model of care promotes and celebrates the diversity in our peoples so that all voices are elevated and the power to oversee our destiny lies with our communities.
As an owner, you can expect to be respected as an Anishinaabe person and to receive services that meet your health needs. You can expect answers to as many questions as you need to fully understand your health situation and the services that are being provided. You can expect to be involved in all decisions affecting your health and your care. You can expect to feel comfortable and safe in our facilities, and with our providers.
As an owner, you also have responsibilities. If you can’t make it to an appointment, please contact the office to reschedule. This will allow another person to access the service. And if your expectations aren’t being met, please tell us so we can address the problem.
Every owner has the right to bring forward any complaints they may have about the services they receive from us. For your information the complaint process is described below. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Client Services Director, the Executive Director, or the board member for your community.
We prefer to see issues dealt with informally and directly – the person with the concern is invited to express it as it occurs. If that is not possible or does not resolve the matter, issues or concerns may be brought to the Client Services Director as soon as possible (preferably – but not necessarily – in writing). The Client Services Director will work with the complainant and all involved employees to achieve a mutually satisfactory resolution, which will also include steps to prevent any reoccurrence.
The Executive Director is informed about all complaints, and will become involved in the resolution process if necessary or appropriate.
Should complaints not be satisfactorily resolved at the operational level, they may be appealed to the Board of Directors by either party within 30 days.
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63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country
+12 (0) 345 678 9
Please note: If you’re a new client, you cannot book an online appointment yet. Please contact the clinic by phone at 1-888-MYWNHAC.