Administration and Executive Leadership are moved in and operational from this location.
Banister Centre
301 First Ave. South, Kenora, ON
Diabetes services, footcare, and Clinic Nurse services (bloodwork, wound care, immunizations, ABI). Reception and Clinic Assistants primarily located here. Sterilization processes happen here as well.
Paterson Clinic (lower level)
45 Wolsley Street, Kenora, ON
Nurse Practitioner/Medical Doctor, with a daily float nurse available on site. Reception, scanning, and clinical administrator are temporarily located here.
Park Street Office
100 Park Street, Kenora, ON
Operational Management/Interprofessional Teams, Health Promoters, and Emotional Wellness Therapists are all operational at this location.
"The Annex" (upper and lower)
214 4th Ave. South, Kenora, ON
Both of these spaces are currently designated for Cultural/Traditional Healing Services. This includes Traditional Medicine Clinics and Cedar Bath Ceremonies and therapy.
Central Service Location
212 4th Avenue South, Kenora, ON
Currently closed. Reopening soon, stay tuned!
KIWIIGIWAAMINAN Supportive Housing
1001 Ninth St. N., Kenora, ON.
Our supportive housing team currently works out of this building. Including client support workers, supportive housing admin staff, emotional wellness workers, outreach staff, and nurses. Residents also reside here in the Norwood apartments.
30 housing units
A safe and welcoming housing option for those who are homeless or at risk of being homeless
Staff support available 24/7 to support clients
Emotional Wellness, Primary Care, Social Assistance, and more
Urban Outreach Office
Units 4 and 11 (Market Square) 308 Second Street South, Kenora, ON
Minaki Nursing Station
276 Winnipeg Avenue, Minaki, ON
Continues to offer weekly Nurse Practitioner services, and other nursing services as per schedule.
This location is also identified as “276 Winnipeg Ave, Kenora, Unorganized, ON P0X 1J0” if you are searching online maps.
Dryden Office
74 Queen Street, Dryden, ON
Providing Primary Care Services and Cultural programming for Dryden and surrounding communities.
41 Hidden Trail Rd, Kenora, ON
Waashkootsi Nanaandawe’iyewigamig Healing Lodge provides a culture-based, residential healing program intended to break the cycles of violence, abuse, and addictions by addressing underlying causes and developing knowledge and skills that support healthy lifestyles.
Memegwessii-gamig Midwifery Clinic
1201 Pine Portage Road, Unit C, Kenora, ON
The midwives are set up this location for clinical client care. They are officially ready to see clients!
Shaawanobinesiik Gibichii'igamig Hostel Services
1420 8th St N, Kenora, ON
ShaawanobinesiikGibichii’igamig (outpatient/self-care hostel) provides accommodation, meals, and local transportation for Indigenous clients and their family members or escorts who live outsideKenora and need to access healthcare at the Lake of the Woods District Hospital or other locationswithin the city. Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Some situations for whichaccommodation is available:
• Scheduled for early morning appointments or procedures
• Discharge from hospital and unable to return home same day
• Transition from inpatient to home care after hospitalization for acute illness (i.e. IV
therapy,wound care)
• Parent or guardian whose child is receiving medical attention