



Emotional Wellness Therapists are available to support the emotional and social needs of clients and family members dealing with illness, chronic disease, or other issues affecting overall health. In addition to offering trauma-informed counselling and EMDR therapy, cultural coordinators are available to ensure that care meets individual needs.

Group sessions and education can be designed to support proactive stress management, and promote emotional wellness.

Each interprofessional team includes a therapist who addresses mental and emotional wellbeing as a key part of primary health care.

Emotional Wellness Therapists also provide assessment, treatment, and management of more complex issues including trauma recovery. The therapists also facilitate access to specialized services including psychiatry through collaborative partnerships and virtual options.

Shaawanobinesiik Gibichii’igamig

Outpatient/Self-Care Hostel

Affordable accommodation and support for individuals and families requiring access to Lake of the Woods District Hospital or other Kenora medical services for medical reasons are provided as needed.

Accommodations include private rooms and shared accommodations, as well as a lounge area and a kitchen. Laundry facilities are also available.

Some of the situations for which accommodation is available:


Patient scheduled for early morning appointment or unable to return home immediately after discharge.


Transition from inpatient to home care after hospitalization for acute illness.


Parent or guardian whose child is receiving medical treatment.


Authorized escorts accompanying patients from distant areas.


Relative supporting seriously ill family member.

Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For more information or to book a room:

CALL 1-888-MYWNHAC (699-6422) EXT. 400

FAX (807) 467-8341


Language interpretation, advocacy, and referrals to a wide range of services including traditional healing and primary health care are also available through this program.

A Transition Facilitator is available through the hostel to support people in their healthcare journey by facilitating transitions between various levels of care across the system and working to integrate health and social support services.

The goal of this role is to improve health outcomes by enabling seamless access to continuous wholistic and comprehensive care, especially for people moving into and out of hospital care. The position is therefore located within the hostel program.

The Transition Facilitator connects people with the health and social services they need to achieve positive health outcomes.

The role addresses system level challenges around transitions in care for people discharged from a regional facility to a First Nation or local community, and bridges gaps between traditional and western approaches to health and healing to achieve, equitable access and high quality, culturally safe care.

Waashkootsi Nanaandawe’iyewigamig

Healing Lodge

The Waashkootsi Nanaandawe’iyewigamig Healing Lodge offers land-based, culturally focused programming designed to support traditional Anishinaabe healing practices. Our mission is to provide knowledge, skills, and guidance that nurture healthy lifestyles rooted in Anishinaabe traditions.

Our Mitiigomish Healing Program is grounded in the teachings of nature and the surrounding land. We follow the rhythms of the seasons, incorporating traditional ceremonies and cultural practices to guide participants on their healing journeys. Alongside contemporary counseling, education, and referral services, we help individuals heal from personal and intergenerational trauma, and build the tools needed for lasting well-being.

The program is delivered by a dedicated team of Emotional Wellness Counsellors, Cultural Healing Support Workers, Cultural Coordinators, and interprofessional care team members. Through a blend of culturally relevant practices and teachings that engage the mind, body, heart, and spirit, participants reconnect with the land and its healing powers.

Overnight stays are no longer offered, and the duration of programming is dependent on the activities and teachings.

In addition to on-site programming, we offer community-based services and workshops that further empower individuals to live healthy, balanced lives.

Outreach services including workshops are also available. Contact a Cultural Coordinator at 1-888-MYWNHAC 


Youth Program

The Agichi’giizhigoonsag Program is a land-based program designed for youth aged 12-18 who are interested in learning about and participating in Anishinaabe cultural practices and teachings.

Land-based activities include spring and fall feasts, nature walks, canoeing, snaring, and medicine identification, harvesting, and processing. There is also the opportunity for participation in ceremonies, mentorship, and obtaining community hours.

The program is staffed by a dedicated therapist and counsellor, and supported by the broad array of WNHAC resources.

men with Cedar tree log in snow

    Book your appointment online today.

    Please note: If you’re a new client, you cannot book an online appointment yet. Please contact the clinic by phone at 1-888-MYWNHAC.