Kenora, March 26, 2019 – Statistics Canada’s official census data shows the Kenora-area Indigenous population as 10,750. Our Health Counts (OHC) Kenora, a research project currently underway, expects to find significantly more Indigenous people living here in Kenora than currently represented in the census.
Ontario is home to the largest Indigenous population in Canada. This population is diverse, and evidence suggests significant inequities in health determinants and health status between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
These inequities would normally prioritize Indigenous populations for public health assessment. However, a critical and alarming gap remains in high-quality, comprehensive, inclusive data. Existing health information for these populations is fragmented due to jurisdictional issues and is subject to non-participation bias and misclassification errors. This results in a significant undercounting of the Indigenous population, masking health and social inequities.
These gaps in population-based health information make evidence-based planning and evaluation very challenging.
OHC Kenora aims to include all Indigenous peoples to ensure that the community’s diverse voices and the vast number of stories and experiences are heard.
This project will inform effective and culturally appropriate population health services, programs, and policies to improve the health and well-being of Indigenous individuals, families, communities, and nations.
The overall goal is to improve Indigenous health data by documenting many aspects of our health and well-being as a baseline. At all stages of this project, diverse partners have been working collaboratively to make health programs and services effective and relevant for Indigenous peoples.
In alignment with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the underlying principle of self-determination on which Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe’iyewigamig is founded, we are taking control of our health information. All information and data collected are owned and controlled by WNHAC and the local OHC Kenora Reference Group – from development to dissemination of the project results.
Are you a researcher interested in collaborating with Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe’iyewigamig?
Submit an online application.
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